Passo Torto e Ná Ozzetti

Passo Torto is an acclaimed group from São Paulo formed by Kiko Dinucci, Marcelo Cabral, Rodrigo Campos and Romulo Fróes, extremely inventive and shaping their songs in an unconventional way.

Ná Ozzetti, on the other hand, is a Brazilian singer who began her musical career in the 1970s with Grupo Rumo. They belonged to a Brazilian movement from 70s/80s called Vanguarda Paulista, which proposed ruptures and innovations to make music.

After releasing two albums (“Passo Torto” in 2011, and “Passo Elétrico” in 2013), Passo Torto teamed up with Ná Ozzetti, and together with her recorded their third album titled “Thiago França”.

Thiago França is the name of an excellent Brazilian saxophonist who participates in other projects with members of Passo Torto. He’s not a member of Passo Torto himself, but the group gave the album his name to further confuse listeners.

But Passo Torto’s music itself is exactly like this: it has no intention of calming the mind, but to leave us uneasy, to take us out of our safe place and give us new insights and show new ways.

“Cipó” is the song that opens the record. Its dense sound is paired with equally dense lyrics: a story of a cat that is much more than just a poor creature of streets. By having connection with some Oxum, an Orisha of African-Brazilian religions, the cat turns into a man and fucks unhappy wives in their homes.

The end of the song itself is agonizing. Or are those just cat’s mating calls?

You can stream Thiago França in its entirety here.


Passo Torto on Soundcloud, Facebook, Twitter, wwwNá Ozzetti on Bandcamp, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, www.

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