Chancha Via Circuito

Digital folklore from Argentine’s Chancha vía Circuito – with some guests from around Latin America.

Chancha vía Circuito is one of the best examples of how to export the sound of Argentina. Pedro Canale and his band annually travel around the world to take part in festivals, showcases or just solo shows: he conquers every stage with his digital folklore. Recently, I proved myself this myth: in Danish festival Spot, he made hundreds of people dance and sweat.

His name rose up in international media due to a remix of “Quimey Neuquén” included in a “Breaking Bad” episode, in 2013. Part of the Zizek family (a label and collective well known for its work only with digital folklore and similar genres), Canale didn’t hurry up with his career. After those minutes of fame, he published “Amansara” in 2014, and this year came back with the release of “Bienaventuranza” (2018, Wonderwheel Recordings).

For his latest work, Chancha invited several artists from Latin America (also, he sings a song himself for the very first time). One of the collaborations is with Ecuadorian singer Mateo Kingman, who was invited to the single “Ilaló”. Both musicians tend to combine roots music with contemporary elements of hip-hop and electronic. A pleasant journey through Amazonas and other geographies of the region.

Stream “Bienaventuranza” LP on Bandcamp and Spotify.


Chancha Via Circuito on Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud.

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