Felix Räuber

One of the most moving videos of this year yet comes from the German “cinematic pop” singer and songwriter Felix Räuber, inspired by his visits in the Middle East.

With a musical career that spans over two decades already, Felix Räuber is best known as the leader of Dresden synthpop / electro pop group Polarkreis 18. But recently, he’s started a career on his own and “Wall” is a fantastic piece from his similarly titled debut solo EP.

Both the song and the video, directed by Nora Otte and Räuber himself, illustrate all those “outer borders and inner walls” and “personal and political boundaries”. Layer after layer, they overshadow that naive but free spirit symbolized here by Räuber’s younger alter ego.

A spirit we all miss as we learn more about the world and ourselvers, but “with every punch of our fists only hate seems to grow more to the sky”. Wait for the last minute, though.


Felix Räuber on Facebook, Instagram, www.

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