More a phenomenon than music, БАЛДЬОЖ differs from the other bands exactly as your everyday speaking differs from your essay writing, respectively – these girls are capturing the thoughts intact and retranslating them into what was once considered as lyrics, reducing the latter to something not primitive but primordial, based on instincts and reflexes of a modern man (of course, with the strong feminine adjustment).
It makes their songs often unbearable but at the same time magnetic and exceptionally understandable to anyone – not a bad advantage when it comes to reaching the wider audience or interacting with it by singing along and so on. Somebody has even coined the fake genre “instagram pop” to describe the Generation-Z twosome’s efforts, and that’s the most accurate definition we have ever seen.
On the other hand, there’s nothing revolutionary in this record. The same music in Russia is produced in enormous amount every year, becoming an annoying reality: just look at the Ionov’s label massive catalogue or every second post in Rodnoy Zvuk. The only thing that lets БАЛДЬОЖ to stand out is unusually high quality of production for such kind of works, but one cannot deny that was quite enough to raise it to the level of art.
Their appearance and nature share many things in common with Пошлая Молли, so the both bands might share the same fate too what is a dire prediction because Kirill Blednyi’s band now looks musically pretty exhausted. But БАЛДЬОЖ’s style and approach, though not so immediate-success-oriented, has more space to evolutionize meaning the most intriguing releases are yet to come.
♪♫ Listen: “дисс на мужчин” + album stream
БАЛДЬОЖ on Soundcloud, Facebook, Instagram.