Solo debut EP of Slovak electronic producer Blame Your Genes is one of the biggest surprises of recent months.
One simply couldn’t miss the shift towards electronics on the latest EP of Elections in the Deaftown. Now, finally, we all know whose responsibility it was. It was the frontman of the band, Lukáš Zdurienčín, now proudly calling himself Blame Your Genes.
The final proof of his increasing love towards electronic melodies and production came recently, in the form of a debut EP “Liquid White” by his side project Blame Your Genes. And it is a surprisingly fresh listening that feels like a work of a much more experienced producer.
Blame Your Genes is not afraid to switch genres and experiment with various attitudes in the space of several tracks. His debut EP is one of the biggest surprises of recent months, coming out of nowhere and creating a difficult task for every listener – to memorize another strange English pseudonym.
Now it’s not only Elections in the Deaftown – it’s also Blame Your Genes.
Stream “Liquid White” on Spotify and Bandcamp.
Blame Your Genes on Facebook, Instagram, Soundcloud.