
In a world in which to achieve success it is preferred to repeat yourself rather than risk a career, Caloncho preferred risk and innovation.

His first material serves as inspiration for this one, and not so much as a mold to copy.

With the same vibration as his previous material, but moving forward with regard to his musical proposal, Caloncho takes a step forward in the consolidation of an own identity that we hope will continue to be transformed with future materials.

With “Bálsamo”, we are presented thirteen songs that advocate, in the turbulent times we live in, for an inner peace that can be translated into many things such as family, love, pets, nature and… yes, oneself.

If you ask me, “Optimist” is the ideal song to start discovering this material.


Stream “Bálsamo” on Spotify.

Caloncho on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

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