Les sœurs Boulay

Les Soeurs Boulay are indeed, as their name indicates sisters. Raised in rural Quebec, but living now in Montreal, they have released their second album “4488 de l’Amour”.

Mélanie and Stéphanie played together since they were little kids, but their debut album came out just two years ago on acclaimed Montreal label Grosse Boite (home of Coeur de Pirate and Canailees among others).

“Les couteaux a beurre”, the beautiful opener of “4488 de l’Amour”, starts like a classic western song – with whistling. From the very beginning you can here a great change in the duo’s sound.

Over two years, it has become more complex and less obvious. Happiness and beauty mixes with sadness and melancholy bringing a brand new quality to the Quebec scene.

You can stream “4488 de l’Amour” LP in its entirety here.


Les sœurs Boulay on Bandcamp, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, www.

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