Animales Blacos, formerly known as Andrés Gualdrón y Los Animales Blancos, is a genreless band hailing from the always mutating alternative scene of Bogotá.
Two records under their sleeve, numerous concerts and critical acclaim preceded the band’s latest effort, their new EP called “La Vaca” (The Cow).
The first single off this EP is called “El Aguijón”, a danceable retahila to invite people to a much needed party that combines Colombian folk, experimental sounds, animal noises, and electronic programming.
The invitation is open, go discover Animales Blancos on Soundcloud and if you like owning music, you can download this song as well as 24 other songs from different artists off Latin America on the latest toll-free compilation at El Amarillo.
Animales Blancos on Soundcloud, Facebook, Twitter, Bandcamp, Youtube.