
Debut album from the Mexico City-based duo Communión is among the most expected Mexican releases of 2016. The new single off this upcoming record boosts expectations even higher.

In their now-famous first video “Soltando Fantasmas” as well as the follow-ups, Alexa Hakim and Diego Suárez combined electronic sounds with acoustic arrangements, delicate verses with powerful choruses, catchiness with intrigue.

On their new single, “Lejos de la gente”, Communión further develop this mixture starting with a minimal intro that gradually grows to finally reach a full-fledged radio chorus – and dive back afterwards.

The song better than all the previous ones demonstrates Communión’s versatility – both in the way they think about composition and arrangements – and of course Alexa Hakim’s vocal flexibility.

Their debut full-length album is expected to be released sometime in the middle of this year, and we truly can’t wait.


Communión on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter.

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