
First time Bengalas appeared on beehype (2015), there were no certain predictions about new music held by Suzi Love (composer and producer). Anyhow, just a demo – “Atormentada” – satisfied our melomaniac hearts, alongside the catchy and sweet bubble gum-ed pop Suzi crafted.

Tons of replays and anxiety were part of Bengalas entrance before launching her marvelous debut LP: “Goma de mascar”. Two years after her notorious debut (parallel to some temporary demo releases on Bandcamp) and significant gigs, Suzi Love redefined the “pop” word.

This “Goma de mascar” tastes like somebody’s cry in public, it booms like that song you and your best amiga sing along, it strikes like the perreo you’re about to dance with a stranger and best of all, its build up as an album full of sprightly feminist anthems.

You don’t really want to miss this.


Stream “Goma de mascar” on Bandcamp.

Bengalas on Facebook, Bandcamp.

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