Somehow indie, somehow grunge, somehow lo-fi – Taiwanese group deca joins show us around the world as it is.
Formed in TNUA-GROUP of ROCK, the group was originally known as FUBAR (Fucked Up Beyond All Repair), and later they changed their name to Gray Dwarf Star (灰矮星).
Not until 2017 did the band finally confirm their current name – deca joins, which means decandent / decaffeination joins together. It means nothing but also means everything at the same time.
Somehow indie, somehow grunge, somehow lo-fi; deca joins’ music somehow represents the fucked-up life style and kind of the revival of Slacker Generation. They dedicate their life to music, combining queries and questions about the realistic face of society.
“Bathroom” is the eponymous single from their debut album, you may find yourself dying into the same without ever thinking of waking up.
Stream “Bathroom” LP on Spotify.