There’s something alluringly ineffable about Dualist Inquiry’s new triumph, “Dreamcatcher“.
Imagine yourself in a maze following a shapeshifter. The closest you have gotten is just seeing it elapse away. This sonic experience beautifully revamps with every song and nurtures a sense of ease and comfort in the intangibility.
What I’m trying to say is that some may find it harder to sink their teeth into this album, but rest assured, few bites in and you will be craving more from this lilac laced feast. It’s demanding. Unlike the superficial and hollow electronic music abundantly churned out in the mainstream, this album seduces the listener.
It demands that we use our imagination, dwell in our dreams and immerse in the atmospheric sounds showcased. Artists like Dualist Inquiry reinvigorates my hope for the scopes of electronic music yet to be explored.
The album is soaked with a variety of influences and sounds. While it has some rather hard-hitting songs like “Monument” and “Divide”, it also has some softer and rich tracks like “Violet” and “Rivals”.
“Meraki” is Greek for doing something with soul, creativity and love: “putting something of yourself in what you are doing”. The three minute track of the same name is a testament that the artist has gracefully done that.
But the real treat is in the mouth-watering collaborations with fellow artists The F16s, Nicholson and Kavya Trehan (below). Each of them delivered aces in their vocals and scaled up the excitement for fans. For when the titans meet, the mortals rave.
There’s no need to inquire since there aren’t any dual opinions. The album is yet another feather in Sahej Bakshi’s cap. This “Dreamcatcher” has definitely gripped the imagination of all his devotee listeners. And we don’t want to let go.
Stream “Dreamcatcher” LP on Soundcloud and Bandcamp.
Photo: Neville Sukhia
Dualist Inquiry on Soundcloud, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, www.