Elections in the Deaftown

There’s a high probability you’re going to like this album if you count yourself among the fans of bands like New Order, The Psychedelic Furs and Talk Talk.

Elections in the Deaftown released their second album at the end of the year and after dropping singles like “Strangers” or “Awakening”, we could predict its going to use synths more than the first one.

The whole album has a “flying high in the sky” mood, just taking track titles into consideration: “Supreme Air”, “Plane Crash”, “Lines”. My favourite is a clubbing track “P.O.T.P.” (Power of the Past) with its insistent vocal, so called club recital and where you actually won’t hear the band members’ vocals at all.

We like to spread the story of Elections in the Deaftown: that they were friends bored of going to the gym, so they started to rehearse next door to it. And thank god that happened!


Stream “Minutiae” on Spofity.

Elections in the Deaftown on Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, www.

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