Produced by Ori Winokur, Erez Sivan’s ‘s debut album sounds like nothing last year. It’s strong but delicate arrangements leave the singer enough space to show her incredible talent, and especially her freedom to take her voice wherevere she feels like at the moment.
While the record draws inspirations from the golden years of R&B/Soul, it’s a modern record as you’d expect from someone just entering not only the stage, but also adulthood. The title aptly suggest that “Proper Lady” is about transition from a girl to a woman, about leaving behind childhood dreams and memories to take responsibilities of today and tomorrow.
Despite her young age, and even though she does look back every now and then – like on “Mama’s Boy” written by her mother, Miryam Sivan, withouth doubt Erez is already a proper artist.
While you can stream “Proper Lady” in its entirety here, here’s a new video she just published, “Just Another Color”.
Photo credit: Nir Slakman
Erez on Facebook, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, YouTube, www.