Fiordmoss, originally an electronic duo from Brno, is currently based in Berlin, where it has spread to a four-piece ensemble and become a part of an artistic collective Fathermother.
These days they are finishing their debut album, which will be realesed on Norwegian label Diamond Club. “Madstone”, accompanied by visually captivating video from truck rest area at Berlin suburbs, is the first single from this record.
Original dreamy spirit á la The xx and fragile Nordic sound are gone. Fiordmoss, as “Madstone” indicates, has evolved into a dark, frosty and intensely electronic echoes of deep night obsessions.
A metallic cold beat, a minimalistic composition, a disturbingly thrilling atmosphere with hints of tenderness and a story of tragic love and mutual non-discovery create a narcotic and gloomy dance outcome.
Photo: Jan Durina
Fiordmoss on Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Facebook, Twitter, www.