Freckles (雀斑樂團)

Led by multi-instrumentalist Benben Lin (林以樂), Freckles is a pop rock band that tries to record daily life pieces and weird daydreams through their easy memorize rock songs.

Formed in 2003 with only one album and two EPs, though quite popular and important for many music lovers, Freckles (雀斑樂團) disbanded for many years.

The lead singer Benben has then went for a solo career; joined China band Carsick Cars as a drummer, formed lo-fi rock outfit Boyz & Girl and self-released many albums by using the name “Skip Skip Ben Ben.”

Reformed in 2014, Freckles’ long-awaited sophomore album “Imperfect Lover” (不標準情人) proves that they are still great at writing catchy rhymes

The same-name single featuring rapper Leo Wang (also the lead singer of Gigantic Roar) is a wonderful song that brings the audience back to the good-old days.

Stream “Imperfect Lover” on Spotify and iTunes.


Freckles on YouTube, Facebook.

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