
We are counting down the days until Golan releases their first full-length record. Yes, their first. Feels weird. Why?

Because they are already ahead, in terms of quality music and consistancy, of some of these other Romanian bands with a ton of material out. And they did it with just a few songs out. That’s quite impressive. But I guess it’s not really that surprising if you know their output. If you don’t, well, you’re just missing out. You can start right now with “Zenith”.

This track is bliss. There’s no other word to describe it. And you really shouldn’t describe it in any other way. I mean, yeah, you could talk about the different aspects of this track. You can do that with every track. Yeah, you could say a few things about the haunting voice, the odd drum patterns, the beautiful melodies and how they all tie-in together. But there’s really no need for that here.

You can just tell your friends it’s bliss. They’ll probably look at you like you’ve gone completely mad, yes, but once they hear it, they’ll know you were right. They’ll know.

Keep an eye out for their first album “Intro”. It’s out on april 7 via Etage Noir Recordings.


Golan on Soundcloud, YouTube, Facebook.

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