
Hipnótica is an Argentinean pop duo comprised by Nahuel Barbero and Hernán Ortiz, two guys from Córdoba and devoted to pop songs.

They have published two albums via the excellent-curated label Discos del Bosque and they were part of big festival line-ups (including a memorable show before… Justin Bieber). Their latest is “Ese lugar imaginario”, a more produced record with a very blunt sound, yet very authentic.

This year, they will release their third effort, still untitled. The first single we can listen to already is “Fluir”, a song accompanied by a videoclip which follows the duo among the landscapes of Córdoba hills – almost 800 kilometres from capital Buenos Aires.

Between mountains, stones and a threatening sky.


Foto: Christian Leiva

Hipnótica on Facebook, YouTube.

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