“Ghosts”, the debut album of Icelandic collective LOTV (or Lily Of The Valley), is one of the finest collections of folk/pop songs you will hear this year.
Based in Reykjavík and formed at the Airwaves festival two years ago initially as a trio, the group has been gradually gaining new members to become a sextet (as of time of writing).
They were also writing material for their first LP, “Ghosts”. Made “from the heart and with the heart”, as the band declares, the record came out in October and you can already stream it on their Bandcamp.
The single “Wildflower” was released a few months earlier and there’s a reason for its summery atmosphere. Although it was born in a middle of one cold winter night, the singer Tinna Katrin and keyboard player Mímir Nordquist pretended they’re in Colorado at the height of summer.
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, some of us could borrow this vision right now.
LOTV on Soundcloud, Bandcamp, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter.