Jonas Winterland

People in Flanders compare the lyrics of Jonas Winterland to the ones of Leonard Cohen, Eels, The Tallest Man On Earth or Laura Marling.

Music has changed a lot over the past decades. In 1965, Bob Dylan was called Judas by many of his fans for using electric guitars and a backing band. 55 years later music has become ever more bombastic.

Luckily there are still many artists who manage to make heart-whole music by using not more than their own voice and a single instrument. One of them, and definitely among the best in Belgium, is Jonas Winterland. Singing in Dutch, often accompanied only by his own guitar, makes him even more exceptional as most of our artists sing in English, to have bigger chances to be heard internationally.

“Overal mist” is the third single from Jonas Winterland’s fourth album “Berichten uit de schemerzone”.

People in Flanders praise his lyrics, putting them on the same level of the words from artists like Leonard Cohen, Eels, The Tallest Man On Earth and Laura Marling.

Even if you don’t understand a word of what Jonas is singing, please watch this beautiful video, which you will undoubtedly enjoy.

Stream “Berichten uit de schemerzone” LP on Spotify and Deezer.


Jonas Winterland on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, www.

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