Lenka Dusilová & Baromantika

Astride between alternative and mainstream radios, Lenka Dusilová is one of the most distinctive female singers in the Czech Republic.

It is interesting to follow her evolution, during which she touched the world of pop-rock singles, alternative rock, modern folklore music or jazzy expression. Her last project Baromantika, which she started in 2011, is then the most acclaimed part of her discography.

She has released two albums with Baromantika so far, on which she presents layered, intimate and intense combination of songwriting, jazz, neoclassical patterns, rock, stealthy electronic or, for example, dubstep.

The song “Indiánky” (Indian Women) from her latest record, “V hodině smrti” (In the Hour of Death), is an organic, exprimental, wordless and heady musical metaphor about the moment of death and about travelling in between life and the other side, the past and the future.


Lenka Dusilová on Facebook, Twitter, www.

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