Lowdown 30 (로다운 30)

Blues rock and hard rock are old music in these days. Only dads can endure that outdated guitar riffs and manly voice.

But sometimes, you cannot help but mesmerized by a kind of craftspersonship those genres deliver to you. It is the closest style to the origin of rock, and thus we can directly feel the viscous sound of rock music. Guitar, bass, and drum only. What else we need for our delight?

Lowdown 30’s third album, “B”, is fresh reanimation of good old rock music. Led by veteran guitarist Yoon Byung-Joo, who started his career in 1990s as band Noizegarden, the irregular drum of Choi Byung-Joon and funky bass of Kim Rak-Gun capture the essence of rock music in various ways. From groovy rhythm of “Hotter” (더뜨겁게) to deranged noise-epic of “Necronomicon”, there are full of solid performance in “B”.

Every element in this album has a meaning.


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