The first taste of upcoming third album from Polish group MJUT will make you nostalgic for the 90s/00s, but in the most pleasant way.

This group from northern Poland has been around for about ten years now, but somehow they still feel like a “new band”.

With two albums in their catalogue, “Akcja ratowania ślimaków” (2011) and more internationally titled “9” (2015), MJUT are now working on their third full-length, which is due to be released in autumn this year.

And from this upcoming effort comes the first single “Nie chcę prawdy” (“I don’t want the truth”). It perfectly represents their style which they once called “alternative electroacoustic songs”, but it’s a kind of mix between sentimental Polish songwriting we grew up listening to and a softer shade of Radiohead and classic post-rock.

This nostalgia (and the great sound) is possibly the reason why beehype’s listening panel loved this song so much, in spite of the Polish lyrics – which are actually hard to discern even for a native speaker. Oh, and the name MJUT is a perfectly misspelled way of saying “HONEY”, so it suits beehype even more.


MJUT on Facebook, Instagram, www.

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