Psychedelic and tropical “psicotropirock” with a sentimental note from Mexican group Monstruos del Mañana.
From Mexico City – my home, by the way – composed of Rodrigo Martínez Torres (voice, synthesizers and samples), Melisa Castellanos (voice and percussion), Nicolás García Lieberman (voice and drums), Claudio Aguilar (guitar) and Enrique Provencio (bass), I present to you: Monstruos del Mañana.
“Monsters of tomorrow”, as their name translates from Spanish, are precisely a group of musicians with their minds set on the future. The first moment you hear their music, you can notice that they have influences from everywhere. They do exactly what they feel, what they think, what they love.
The sound of Monstruos del Mañana is a beautiful mix of the psychedelic and the tropical. Their music combines diverse genres where rock predominates with that Latin American flavor typical of these lands. I don’t know where are you reading me, but this is music for an afternoon on the beach, lying on a bunk and with a “piña colada” in hand … yes, I urge vacation.
In an interview they gave me for, Claudio told me that they define their music as “psicotropirock”. “It’s an element that I felt about the band, it’s like a psychedelic rock but completely based on the tropical flavor, the Latin flavor, the Latin rhythm.” On a beach, drowned precisely because of their music, is where we feel when we hear their new album “Tenquén“.
The official single off this new album, “Los Ahogados”, is a delicious metaphor about the nostalgia caused by the memories of childhood. There, with a view towards the horizon, facing the immensity of the sea, is where we heal with these sounds. Their suggestion is to remind us that our childhood comes back again when the next day dawns.
Stream “Tenquén” LP on Bandcamp and Spotify.