Nicolas Michaux

This is not a classic from some French indie pop pioneers, but a new single from a Belgian in love with a Danish town.

Some songs are written in 5 minutes, others need more time to convince an artist that they are ready to be shared with the world. A good example of the latter is ‘Nos retrouvailles’ by Nicolas Michaux, a Belgian artist dividing his time between Brussels and the Danish town of Samsø.

Michaux started writing the song in 2016 when he first went to Samsø, and finished it only recently to be part of his upcoming album ‘Amour Colère’, which will be released in September. Being a fine blend of old and new,’Nos retrouvailles’ is also a smooth mix of doubting between beauty and melancholy.

From a musical point of view we hear classic pop as well as indie pop with a typical French touch. It could be an eighties tune, but if someone told us that this was a new single by French indie pop pioneers Francois and the Atlas Mountains, we’d probably believe it too.

The lyrics have a nostalgic touch by making use of rhyming verse in a classical style, which is less and less usual nowadays. The video has the English translation, but we’d like to illustrate it in French with the words from the first verse:

Dans la nuit noire j’attends l’aube pâle
Et me prends à rêver d’une cité idéale
Celle où je suis ne me dit rien qui vaille
Dans la nuit noire j’attends nos retrouvailles

‘Amour Colere’ will be released in September 2020. Until then you can practise your French in isolation, or just enjoy this beautiful tune.


Nicolas Michaux on Facebook, Instagram, www.

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