Pia Fraus

On their first album in 9 years, the long-standing shoegaze six-piece sound more assured as ever. The sweet melodies and warm layers of guitars that have defined their previous records are still there, while some new electronic elements have also found their place in the dreamy soundscapes of their songs.

Pia Fraus’ music has always conveyed a deep connection with nature and a sense of place that’s usually also been reflected on their album covers.

As the wind turbines hint on the cover of “Field Ceremony”, the new music is airy and forward-looking – melodic hooks come and go, separated by sections of rhythmic repetition and bright synths. Not held down by genre-definitions and rising above the genre’s clichés, Pia Fraus keeps making sincere and beautiful music with rediscovered energy.


Stream “Field Ceremony” on Bandcamp.

Pia Fraus on Facebook, Instagram.

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