
Before she launched her own project last year, the singer and synth player Izolda Sorenson had worked with two artists already presented on beehype: Julia Marcell and the female trio Drekoty.

Fascinated by the Slovenian poet Srecko Kosovela, she borrowed his name as well as his poems for Cosovel’s self-titled debut album, released earlier this year.

“Bitter Heart” is her second video from the trio – Izolda is currently assisted by Aleks Polak (guitar, bass, ukulele, moog) and Jose Manuel Alban Juarez (drums) – a good example of her immediate songwriting and eclectic mix of influences: from pop to electronic to folk.

While it’s all in English, her previous single “Sorbetowy” was sung in Polish.

Cosovel on Soundcloud, Facebook, Tumblr.

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