Patrick the Pan

At first, the vocals immediately make you think of Thom Yorke. But just like with the Radiohead’s frontman, the music keeps your head close to the speaker until the last sound has died out.

Patrick the Pan is the nickname of Piotr Madej, a young singer-songwriter from Kraków. His second album, “…niczym jak liśćmi”, came out in May on the buoyant Kayax label. And in spite of some obvious associations, it’s been rightly praised for the quality of songwriting, rich (mostly acoustic) sound, and – especially – the record’s dreamy atmosphere, which turned out to fit in with the hottest Polish summer in decades.

While you can stream the whole album on YouTube, “Dare” is one of the highlights, accompanied by a cinematic, four-part video – think Pink Flyod meets Skrillex?

Patrick the Pan on Facebook, Instagram, www.

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