Born under the cold and grey skies of Alsace Lorraine, Posterboy Machine’s wintry new wave has been one of the best french promises of the last decade.
Constantly crafting addictive hooks (“We Like it”, “Roland Garros”, “Teenage Complex”, “Jungle Love”…) and ridiculous but charming lyrics (“France Glamour et Baraque à Frites” – literally “France Glamour and French-Fry Truck”).
Their old-fashioned 80’s beatboxes and synth sounds have often been associated with ironic beauf behavior (french slang for the caricature of the tasteless rural inhabitant), faked casualness and lo-fi amateurism, defining all together a cohesive body of work. But with their wonderfully produced new EP, they reconcile themselves a bit with seriousness while managing to still have fun, making their music even more emotive and smile-inducing, as on the beautiful closer “Romance Disco”.
„TEMPLE SUD” is both the continuation of their crazy early stages and a look toward a more ambitious future. And whatever this future is made of (a new LP ?), we hope it will bring them the success they’ve always deserved.
Stream “TEMPLE SUD” on Bandcamp.
Posterboy Machine on Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Facebook.