
Among all the new musicians in Mexico, one of the groups that is making a lot of noise is Pumcayó. They are from Guadalajara, Jalisco, the land of tequila, mariachi and Chivas (one of the two most pupular soccer teams in my country).

With a new generation of artists, Guadalajara is now the epicenter of a new musical movement certainly worth interest. Names as Siddhartha, Caloncho, Technicolor Fabrics and Pumcayó itself are great examples.

Pumcayó’s name has no other meaning than the sum of words “pum” and “cayó”, with “pum” being the onomatopoeia of a fall or a punch, and “cayo” meaning “he fell”. Simple as that, with no other mystical meaning. But behind this we have very interesting compositions mixing traditional Mexican sounds with modern ones, as Pumcayó represent a wider breed of musicians who are exploring local roots to discover something completely new. Folk and psychedelia are among the most popular components, and they converge in Pumcayó.

The video for “Caldo de navajas” was directed and edited by Jorge Creuheras. The images come from a local festivity in Nextipac, Jalisco: the celebrations to Santiago Apostle that commemorate the miracle of the saint who saved Christians against the Moorish armies.

The song, not directly taking about that particular incident, holds a metaphor of war and the impact on those involved. In a poetic way, the clip includes that metaphor too, and is a very good excuse to show us the colours of one of many celebrations in Mexico.


Pumcayó on www, SoundcloudYouTube, Twitter, Facebook.

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