Synecdoche Montauk

“This song is about family issues as if it tells a classic story of family meeting at the bedside of a dying relative,” tells us Synecdoche Montauk (Синекдоха Монток), an electronic indie-folk group from Moscow, about their recent track “Familia” (Фамилия).

“Minimum amount of text and right choice of words make this track a wild prayer, game between dance rhythms and very personal poetry create a contrast whereby it’s difficult for listener to choose between dancing or listening,” they add.

The song is a collaboration between Savva Rozanov (from Synecdoche Montauk) and Fedor Pereverzev (Moa Pillar), who wrote the music in 2012. “During the last 3 years it’s pumped into our live programme in which Fedor fully participates now,” explains the Russian group.

Over that time, “Familia” has become one of Synecdoche Montauk’s favourite tracks on their live shows. “Usually we play it last,” they say. “That’s why we decided to record it and make a b-side to our last year’s EP, ‘Lebedinoe Myaso’, or ‘Swan Meat’.”


Synecdoche Montauk on Soundcloud, Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte, Instagram.

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