
Someone makes bright psych pop with great hooks and catchy melodies.

In the middle of the COVID-pandemic, on June 19th, Someone released her debut album “ORBIT II”. Because of the virus, her album presentation turned into a very intimate show for 30 lucky visitors – seated at 1.5 meter distance.

As usual, the art and music of Tesse Rose Jackson comes as an audiovisual package: if you get your hands on the vinyl of “ORBIT II“, you’ll notice that it includes a set of colourful drawings that come to life via an augmented reality app. It almost made us forget that there’s music to review too. The songs on the album are, unsurprisingly, great too.

Someone makes bright psych pop with great hooks and catchy melodies. We especially want to highlight recent single “Once More, With Feeling”, which is an awkward ode to bad sex (“started off as nice and soft as making love all night / now it’s exchanging juices”).

In an interview with The Daily Indie Jackson described that when she started working on the song, she had a groove that sounded smooth and gawky at the same time. It reminded her of how making love can turn out worse than planned and thus the theme of “Once More, With Feeling” was born.

To be honest the song doesn’t sound awkward at all, but we love how Someone combines a catchy tune with breaking taboos. If you like the song, make sure you check out the equally great lead single “You Live In My Phone” too.

Stream “ORBIT II” LP on Spotify.


Someone on Instagram, Facebook, www.

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