Various Artists

With this compilation, the Tigersushi label proves that France has no reason to be ashamed of its ambient scene, which unfortunately receives little media coverage in comparison to other electronic genres.

Even the artists who usually operate at faster tempos are succeeding well: the techno couple Essaie Pas immerses us into layers of gloomy industrial synths, Cosmic Neman from Zombie Zombie goes from percussive rhythms to meditative landscapes and Mondkopf leaves his agressive beats aside to create one of the most fragile and sublime tracks of the LP.

And of course, we’re also pleased to hear a new song by the young duo Glass, already accustomed to delicate softness.


Stream “Musique Ambiante Française Vol. 1” on Bandcamp.

Tigersushi on Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

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