About Us
beehype is run by 100+ music journalists, bloggers and DJs from around the world. We collect and carefully select what is best in our local scenes and present it to the global audience.
To date, we have introduced around 3500+ musicians from about 140 countries, and organized four exhausting and exciting marathons: Best of 2020, Best of 2019, Best of 2018, Best of 2017, Best of 2016, Best of 2015 and Best of 2014.
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Our contributors
- beehype
- Adolf Alzuphar
Haiti - Adrian Yap
Malaysia - Ahmet Karaca
Turkey - Akshit Mridul
India - Alejandro Fernándes
Venezuela - Alejandro Ortiz
Costa Rica - Alfredo Richner
Puerto Rico - Ali Eshqi
Iran - Alia'a El Shabrawy
Middle East - Andraž Kajzer
Slovenia - Andrea Putz
Austria - Archit Shetye
India - Ares Buras
Greece - Artur Szarecki
Poland - Asfaltos
Mexico - Ben Lowe
Luxembourg - Brett Summers
Belgium - Büşra Mutlu
Turkey - Camilo Riveros Vásquez
Peru - Charles Akl
Egypt - Cheng-Chung Tsai
Taiwan - Cristóbal Galleguillos C.
Chile - Dartsya Tarkovska
Ukraine - David Pearl
Israel - Dmitri Bezkorovainyi
Belarus - Edvard Granum Dillner
Norway - Edwin Lo
Hong Kong - Elena Peljhan
North Macedonia - Elena Pizzetti
Italy - Elias Maroun
Lebanon - Emir Aksoy
Turkey - Eric Kariuki
Kenya - Erkko Lehtinen
Finland - Ernesto Pasarisa
Uruguay - Fabian Forslund
Sweden - Fabien Hellier
France - Filip Olšovský
Slovakia - Francisco Guerra Galaz
Chile - Giedre Nalivaikaitė
Lithuania - Gil Colinmaire
France - Gleb Vorontsov
Russia - Gris Onofre
Ecuador - Guwon Jeong
South Korea - Hadar Sharir
Palestine / Israel - Hergeir Staksberg
The Faroe Islands - Hidzir Junaini
Singapore - Ian Urrutia
Philippines - Ilia Temelkov
Bulgaria - Imaad Majeed
Sri Lanka - Ine Julia Rojahn Schwebs
Norway - Jakub Šponer
Czech Republic - Jeon Daehan
South Korea - John Rogers
Iceland - Jonathan Kakpeyen
France - Joonoo Park
South Korea - Jort Mokum
Netherlands - José Luis Mercado
Peru - Junior Naidoo
South Africa - Justine Guimard
Luxembourg - Karine Vann
Armenia - Kevin Yeoh
Malaysia - Khan Mohammad Faisal
Bangladesh - Komang Adhyatma
Indonesia - Konrad Erofeev
Belarus - Krish Guo
China - Lafaiete Júnior
Brazil - Lelle Buzás
Hungary - Leonardo Suárez
Ecuador - Lianne Fondevilla
Philippines - Lina Rim
Morocco - Lisa Schneider
Austria - Lubko Davidovich
Ukraine - Lucy Grin
Jamaica - Maha ElNabawi
Egypt - Marcelo Millavil M.
Chile - Marianna Tanska
Ukraine - Marius Ghenț
Romania - Martin Cordova
Ecuador - Márton Biró
Hungary - Martyn Pepperell
New Zealand - Matej Holc
Slovenia - Matheus Anderle
Brazil - Max Cueto
Dominican Rep. - Mariusz Herma
Poland - Michael Bohli
Switzerland - Michaela Kucová
Slovakia - Micky Niron
Israel - Miguel Alcobia
Portugal - Miguel A. Salguero
Venezuela - Nam Tran
Vietnam - Naman Saraiya
India - Nguyen Trong Nhan
Vietnam - Nic Berti
South Africa - Norman Zielasko
Germany - Oumar Dembele
Senegal - Ovidijus Ruskys
Lithuania - P.-A. Buisson
Canada - Pablo Bromo
Guatemala - Patricio Clavijo
Uruguay - Pedro Henrique Pinheiro
Brazil - Peter Storgaard
Denmark - Philipp Fischer
Germany - Raivis Spalvēns
Latvia - Ricardo Hoo
Taiwan - Rodrigo Piedra
Argentina - Rūdolf Kuplis
Latvia - Samir Čulić
Bosnia & Herzegovina - Sandro Tskitishvili
Georgia - Sebastian Narváez Núñez
Colombia - Sinisa Miklauzic
Croatia - Stefano Bartolotta
Italy - Steinar Fjeldsted
Iceland - Svetoslav Todorov
Bulgaria - Tetiana Melnychenko
Ukraine - Théotime Coutaud
Armenia - Thomas Mecha
Burundi - Thuc Dang
Vietnam - Tom Avitan
Israel - Tomáš Franta
Czech Republic - Toyokazu Mori
Japan - Vanesa Carro Martinez
Spain - Viera Ráczová
Slovakia - Viktor Palák
Czech Republic - Wening Gitomartoyo
Indonesia - Will Balooni
Colombia - William Griffith
China - Worranat Kongchankit
Thailand - Zahra Salah Uddin
Pakistan - Ziad Nawfal