Interview: Elinborg

Meet a magical voice from a magical place

With a population of around 430 people, Syðrugøta is indeed a magical place. Here is why: In short this tiny village is surrounded by a dramatic and stunning picturesque landscape.

Syðrugøta also hosts the prestigous G! Festival which is crowned as a top notch music festival by major magazines. And finally Syðrugøta has the healthy habit of generating top drawer musicians again and again. And of course Elinborg Pálsdóttir just so happens to be from Syðrugøtu.

We were curious as to what the magic formula of Syðrugøtu might be. And what better way to find out than ask Elinborg?

Can you let us in on the secret formula of Syðrugøtu? How does such a small village manage to produce such an amount of great talents?

Elinborg: “Good question. Personally I think it boils down to quite a few passionate music enthusiasts here in Gøtu who have put their blood, sweat and tears into the music scene. I’m pretty sure it’s because of these good people – and the environment they have created – that the music scene thrives here in Gøtu.”

Speaking of talent. Let’s switch to your own music. You’ve written quite a few gems yourself. One of these is called “Um eg kundi”, can you please let our readers in on the story behind the track?

“The track ‘Um eg kundi’ is about losing someone you love, and all the emotions running through your mind during a heartbreak. I guess you could say that I’m a fan of writing songs which are personal and which the listener can relate to.”

When listening to ”Um eg kundi” I noticed that you’re using different musicians throughout your album. How did you end up working with Hogni, Marius Ziska and Allan Tausen? And how would you describe your collaboration?

“I’ve always been a fan of Hogni, and that’s why I contacted him and asked if he would like to create some music together.”

“Working with the three of them has been an absolute pleasure and a huge learning experience for me. I’ve actually improved quite a lot as a musician during my time with the guys, and I’m also extremely happy about what they’ve added to the record.”

Is collaborating with various musicians something you would reccomend other musicians to try out?

“Personally I have gained vast amounts of knowledge by surrounding myself with other musicians. I’ve learned from every single one of the guys I’ve worked with.”

“In this case I’d also like to mention Ragnar Finsson who has taught me loads… and actually he also gave me some very valuable guitar lessons.”

One final question! What can we expect from Elinborg in the future?

“Well, I’m in the process of making a video as we speak. If everything goes according to plan the video will be hitting the streets very soon. I’m also super excited about my release concerts in August.”

“Apart from that I’m also heading for the studio for a new single. And then there is also some other stuff going on as well, but as for now it’ll be my little secret.”


Elinborg on Instagram, Soundcloud, Facebook, Youtube, Spotify.

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