
Over the last year and a half, the Bangkok-based alternative trio Safeplanet has been sharing new songs sparingly. The latest one, “Mirror Room”, is just their fourth single, but it could also be their best yet.

The Thai group’s debut track “Black Box” (กล่องดำ) was quite spectacular, but it was soon followed by an immediate indie classic “Oheya” (“โอยา”). Then late last year came “Paint (“ระบาย”), which easily made it onto our Best of 2015 for Thailand with its flow and unforgettable chorus.

And then they stopped. Up until recently the band has kept their fans (=us) somewhat concerned and only late September they finally released their 4th single, “Mirror Room” (ห้องกระจก). Admittedly, it took a while to complete, but it also helped the musicians mature as a band.

And this colourful, optimistically jingling 5-minute piece once again brings them a fantastic response, with over 100k views in just two weeks. We’re happy to have added a dozen more already.


Safeplanet on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Fungjai.

Recent music from Thailand