A well-known composer in both TV and film industry, Changsha-raised pianist Yue Xuan has garnered quite big amount of attention in the underground electronic scene as well.
The intersection of those two scenes can be heard on “Entrance & Exports Remix Project” (which you can stream on Spotify), an expansive divisive remix of the artist’s 2015 breakout hit “In & Out”.
Yue Xuan hands the keys to her lush and emotionally charged compositions to a cast of electronic producers and sound smiths including Hou Chenzhong, a junior sound designer at Ubisoft in Shanghai, on this intro track.
And just today, Yue Xuan released two new remixes of her recent single “Sea”, and you can stream both of them right now here. Let yourself be surprised.
Yue Xuan on Soundcloud, Facebook.