Tidal Pull re-invent genres that we have known for decades, they sound modern, they are great, one of the most promising young groups in Croatia today.
Hana Ne Zna Da Se Šali existed only for a short time, so the core of that band soon started to work on a new band called Tidal Pull. They had their first concert a year ago and only six month later, they released the debut album “Uvod u promatranje cvijeća pri punoj brzini”.
Tidal Pull called their music ‘big indie’ and this is a very good phrase for the music they play. They took the best from both sides of the Atlantic ocean from 30-40 years ago and produced specific sound which primary combines indie rock with power pop and britpop (especially in chorus parts).
In short, they re-invent genres that we have known for decades, they sound modern, they are great, one of the most promising young groups in Croatia today.
Stream “Uvod u promatranje cvijeća pri punoj brzini” LP on Bandcamp.