Never Young Beach

“Doudemo Iikedo” (どうでもいいけど) means “It doesn’t matter”. This song might be then Tokyo group Never Young Beach’s version of the Beatles’ famous number “Let It Be”.

After his downer alternative rock band Yume Miteru (夢見てる) broke up, Yuuma Abe (安部勇磨) started this new band with three guitarists. Influenced by Happy End and US indie rock, they play folk rock with oldies-oriented but shiny melodies.

“Doudemo Iikedo” is about family affairs. The song’s intro bass line may remind us of the ending theme of “Sazae-san“, a family comedy animation everyone in Japan knows very well.

While Kyohei Tsutsumi (筒美京平) wrote the “Sazae-san” theme to celebrate the pleasures of spending a weekend at home, Yuuma Abe sings about happiness of ordinary life – maybe because his own childhood wasn’t an easy one.

Stream “YASHINOKI HOUSE” LP on Spotify.


Never Young Beach on Twitter, Soundcloud, www.

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