Prince$$ Donatsu & Telemama

Could a fight over a guy sound any better?

“EASA” is one of the most exciting singles in Macedonia this year. Female artists Telemama and Prince$$ Donatsu joined forces and made an impressive collaboration that shook Macedonian music audience. The song lyrics are about a love triangle between a mom, a schoolgirl and an architecture student from EASA (the European arch students association). It’s interesting how they mixed it with the Spanish phrases. Making a perfect flow, words are embroidering on the smooth and harmonious music waves.

To get the bigger picture, check out their previous work. Dragana Zarevska aka Telemama is now working on her new solo EP. While the release is on the way, all her videos are available on the following link. Telemama’s latest project “Kratok album za dvajca” (Sharla Records) is a collaboration with David Angelevski alias Pikolomini. Have a listen!   

On the other hand, Prince$$ Donatsu is one of the MVRSVR crew. The pillar of the regional TRAP music. At the beginning of the year, she released the single “Bitola” with which she guaranteed herself spots in the festival line-ups in Macedonia. It’s worth to mention her performance as local support for Mavi Phoenix in Skopje.

These two DIY female acts pressed restart on the Macedonian contemporary pop music scene.
The queen and the princess made a hit single and it’s last chance for a slow dance! Hop on this emotional Bermuda triangle that has the groove and sounds oh-so-good!


Telemama on Facebook, Bandcamp, Instagram.

Prince$$ Donatsu on Instagram.

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