Spud in the Box

Spud In The Box is a young Mumbai ensemble known for their flair for moulding the sounds of six instruments and two vocal stylings into a unique sound.

They have garnered a lot of recognition over the past few years and have their name imprinted in the Indian independent scene as one the most promising & fresh acts. But they recently broke out of their shell of the perky tunes of their EP “Attention, Please” with a thunderbolt of a debut album namely “Lead Feet Paper Shoes“.

The six piece band’s revamped sound is simply hard to ignore. They are sounding super tight as a band. Moreover, they’ve raised the bar with their one of a kind album experience accompanied by a complementary photo story for you to dwell in. It’s inspiring to see a bunch of young musicians being plucky with their creative choices and achieving things beyond everyone’s expectations. It is in this that “Lead Feet Paper Shoes” finds it’s true victory.

Talking about the tracks, a personal stand out would be the captivating “Institute Of Madness”. A classic piano arrangement accompanied by soothing instrumentations and vocals, this track is a gem. Highlight being the explosive climax.

But hey, you can cherry pick your favorites from this twelve track stunner. So “Drown In” and let this album give you a beautiful “Headrush”. For “Lead Feet Paper Shoes” is here to stay and to be cherished.

Stream “Lead Feet Paper Shoes” LP here.


Photo: Parizad D

Spud in the Box on Bandcamp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, www.

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